Saturday, 8 March 2014

Costume and Props

These are the actual costumes and props that we used in our final opening sequence:

The Stalker:

This is the scream mask that we used as the mask for the stalker in our film to wear.
We decided this would be a good mask to use since we already owned it, and it is also a mask typical of horror films and we wanted to capture this sense of horror within our opening sequence; by using this mask which many people will associate with the horror genre it allowed us to do this. 

This is the black hoodie we used. We decided that the stalker in our films should be wearing this as it makes the character look creepy. By wearing this with the hood up it gave a sense of mystery to the character and also made him able to be feared since he is unable to be identified as a person.

Using the mask and the hoodie together on our stalker character meant that a sense of fear was able to be implanted into the film just through the costume. Not knowing who the person is in the mask is a good way to get the audience interested but also scared straight away as the film starts.

The Victim:

For the victim character we didn't have a  set piece of clothing that we wanted the character to wear. We just said to Lucy that she should wear whatever she normally would as this would make the character more relatable to our target audience (15-25 year olds). We also got her to use her phone as she walked past the camera as this made it more realistic of a regular teenager and one who is vulnerable to the stalker because she is not fully interacting with her surroundings.  

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